Contributors wouldn’t be what it is today without the hard work and knowledge of this kick-ass Krü. Since 2011, we’ve kept you in the know about the Louisville, Lexington and Southern Indiana beer scene.

These are the people that make this site happen:


Sales Dude / “Idea Man”:

Scott Lykins

Regular Authors:

John King

About John King

John King can kill two stones with only one bird. He is just that awesome. An Illinois native, John has learned to embrace the Kentucky culture by rarely using his turn signal and drinking his bourbon neat. An avid runner, outdoorsman, and carpenter, John has been able to integrate craft beer into all of these hobbies without a single trip to the hospital. Although his writing is sub-par at best, employs him for his boyish charm and general affection for the local brewers.


If you want to help spread the knowledge of the great beer scene here in Kentucky by writing for, let’s talk. Shoot us an email.