New Albanian Black and Blue Grass – Review

I served this 22 oz. bottle in a large tulip glass.  No date on the bottle. The pour was vigorous but the head was modest and faded quickly. The body was deep gold with ruby highlights.

The smell was interesting. Very herbal and fresh. I see from the label that there is lemongrass, so I smell that I guess. Also, maybe cilantro and other grassy aromas. An artificial sweetener like smell is detectable. This must be the blue agave (not artificial).

The taste had a mild Belgian yeast earthiness but also cucumbers and sweet tea. Hints of black pepper but not much spiciness or bite. Green and mild. The texture is rather smooth and slick and mildly carbonated.

This beer reminds me more of an Asian tea than a Farmhouse Ale. While not rigid about brewing to style I think this beer could benefit from more Saison like spiciness and fluffy carbonation. Interesting but this is not one I would return to again and again.