Updates to the site

Always trying to keep things fresh here at LouisvilleBeer.com: I just launched our new “News Aggregator“. We’re sucking in content from all the awesome sites/blogs to help us cover more of the ever-expanding beer scene. If I’ve forgotten anyone, please contact me.Also, I’ve been working on updating all the local and regional brewery pages. There are a couple hold-outs, but they’re comin’! Go peruse through them and see how awesome our local breweries really are. (Also, I’ve added their Twitter and news feed, where applicable)Also, still transcribing my interview with Jeremy Hunt from BBC. The interview should be posted mid-week. UPDATE: The interview has been posted.

Annnndddd….More exciting things on the horizon…stay tuned!

Whew! Now to watch the Super Bowl…Nah…I’ll keep working to make LouisvilleBeer.com the best local beer site. That’s more fun.