Happy Derby, Y’all. Welcome to the NEW LouisvilleBeer.com. This is the 3rd redesign since we re-launched in 2011 and we hope you find the new redesign to be easier to navigate, easier to read and share articles, and 214% more awesome than it was before. Please let us know if you find any bugs or weird things that didn’t translate to the new theme.
We also have moved to a faster, more reliable host to handle the traffic that you guys pound us with (thanks!!). So, now the site should feel a bit snapper. It’s also what we in the web business call a “responsive” site. So that when you look at the site on your big 27″ iMac, it should fill the screen a bit more than when you’re viewing it on Grandma’s 13″ Monochrome Compaq laptop. Also, on iPads, iPhones, Android phones & tablets, Windows phones & tablets (do people have those?), you’ll notice a more mobile friendly version. No more tiny text.
Please let us know in the comments below what your first impressions are. Poke around, make yourself comfortable, heck, you might even pop open a beer while doing so.
Note to the (amazing) writers that contribute to the site: The backend is also much quicker, you’ll notice. Thank goodness.